Original Music

I write a lot of original music - songs, instrumental pieces, video game music, sometimes tunes for my students to play.

It’s not all online yet - but I will keep uploading stuff when time permits. Enjoy!


I’m working on a new album of electronic music - to be released early 2024. Here’s a teaser.

Sifted From The Aether

Back in 2011 I released the album Sifted From The Aether.

I’ve learned much since then, but still regard the work with great fondness.

Listen to the album on SoundCloud.

The Mansion

An ongoing project in the film music/video game music/ambient music vein.

I compose pieces for places/rooms/structures, often using a piece of art for inspiration.

Listen to the playlist on SoundCloud.

Barbershop Multitrack Recordings

I’ve recorded a number of barbershop arrangements, singing all four parts myself.

Listen to the playlist on SoundCloud.

Instrumental Compositions

Sometimes I compose directly into the program Sibelius, with no goal except to just practice composing and arranging. The results are occasionally worth sharing!

Listen to the playlist on SoundCloud.